von Tobias Borgers | Mai 25, 2022 | Markt
Diagnostics chain Neuberg Diagnostics has plans to double its laboratories and touchpoints from the present 150 labs and 1,000 touchpoints present across the globe in the next two years, a senior company official said on Sunday. The firm, one of the fastest...
von Tobias Borgers | Mai 10, 2022 | Continuous Manufacturing, Markt
Thorough supply chain management and end-to-end quality assurance are of utmost value to pharma compliance and patient safety. A significant part of maintaining quality involves ensuring standards are upheld along the global supply chain, regarding active...
von Tobias Borgers | Mai 4, 2022 | Markt
Interest in oligonucleotide therapeutics has grown, as has the market demand, since their emergence as a new drug modality two decades ago. Initially focusing on rare diseases, oligonucleotide therapeutics are moving into more common chronic indications like asthma,...
von Tobias Borgers | Apr. 12, 2022 | Markt, News
Gerresheimer startet Pharma-Behälterproduktion in Berlin (Ohio) Der Glas- und Verpackungshersteller Gerresheimer hat eine neue Reinraumproduktion in Berlin, im US-Bundesstaat Ohio, eingeweiht. Künftig entstehen dort für den nordamerikanischen Markt...
von Tobias Borgers | Apr. 12, 2022 | Markt
Berlin (dts) – Ein schnelles Gasembargo gegen Russland könnte die Pharmaindustrie in Deutschland in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten bringen und die Produktion lebenswichtiger Medikamente gefährden. Das schreibt die „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ (Samstagausgabe) unter...
von Tobias Borgers | Apr. 5, 2022 | Continuous Manufacturing, Fachzeitschriften, Markt
Tony Margetts explains the industry’s challenges around connecting and collecting THE pharmaceutical industry is ripe for digitalisation, and chemical engineers have a key role to play in helping this conservative sector take advantage of its major benefits. It is a...